However this must be done carefully, because even when the information is masked on display screens and printouts, it may still survive as hidden data in the document file. 但是,这么做必须小心,因为即使信息在显示屏和打印输出中隐藏了,在文档文件中它仍然是存在的。
Each server's identity is usually hidden under the file system itself. 每个服务器的标识通常是隐藏在文件系统中的。
In previous Java releases, you can get only a basic set of file attributes ( size, modification time, whether the file is hidden, and whether it is a file or directory). 在以前的Java版本中,仅能得到基本的文件属性集(大小、修改时间、文件是否隐藏、以及它是文件还是目录)。
This can be useful if you want to add some hidden metadata to a file without altering the file's content. 如果想向文件增加一些隐藏的元数据,而不必修改文件内容,这就很有用了。
Configuring file system access along with user input is dangerous, so it's best to avoid it altogether by designing your application to use a database and hidden, generated file names. 同时配置用户输入和文件系统访问权十分危险,因此最好把应用程序设计为使用数据库和隐藏生成的文件名来避免同时配置。
Multi-Code import is unable to import the file you selected. It may be a system or hidden file. 批量代码导入不能导入所选的文件。它可能是一个系统文件或隐藏文件。
You must change folder settings to show hidden files and folders in order to see isolated storage in the file system. 您必须更改文件夹设置以显示隐藏文件和文件夹,才能查看到文件系统中的独立存储。
Specifies whether to install a file as a hidden file 指定是否将文件作为隐藏文件安装
When a client creates an HDFS file, it computes a checksum of each block of the file and stores these checksums in a separate hidden file in the same HDFS namespace. 当某个客户端创建一个新的HDFS文件,会计算这个文件每个block的校验和,并作为一个单独的隐藏文件保存这些校验和在同一个HDFSnamespace下。
Sets or displays the read-only, archive, system, and hidden attributes of a file or directory. 设定或显示文件或目录的属性(唯读的,压缩档,系统,和隐藏的属性之一.)
It is a hidden file, automatically added to your project when you configure permissions on the security page. 它是隐藏文件,在“安全”页上配置权限时会自动添加到项目中。
In order to get new file hidden points in drive-level of system, the principle of File System Filter Driver ( FSFD) and the structure of driver stack location are analyzed. 为能在操作系统的驱动级实现新的文件隐藏点,对传统的文件系统过滤驱动原理和驱动数据堆栈单元结构进行分析。
Many utilities and text editors display hidden characters, which are usually at the end of the data file. 许多实用工具和文本编辑器都可以显示隐藏字符,它们通常位于数据文件的底部。
Find and remove hidden characters in the data file. 数据文件中的隐藏字符。
Having spaces before a code is fine, but there may be hidden ones after your code lines that just make the file size larger. 同样还有可能在某写代码之前,一行开始的时候有三行空行,也许你只是想分开某些代码。
By reducing the file system fragmentation, FBA decrease the write overhead caused by the merger. Along with space allocation delay and write-delay optimization of hidden delay technology, random-write performance of file system is enhanced a lot. FBA减少了文件系统碎片,从而降低写操作引起的合并开销,再加上延迟隐藏技术中对空间延迟分配和延迟写的优化和改进,提高了文件系统的随机写性能。
The structure design of system, systematic function module design, hidden processes module design, hidden file module design, communication concealment module design are described in detail. 论文详细叙述了系统结构设计、系统功能模块设计、进程隐藏模块设计、文件隐藏模块设计、通信隐藏模块设计。